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class match_results




#include <boost/regex.hpp>

Regular expressions are different from many simple pattern-matching algorithms in that as well as finding an overall match they can also produce sub-expression matches: each sub-expression being delimited in the pattern by a pair of parenthesis (...). There has to be some method for reporting sub-expression matches back to the user: this is achieved this by defining a class match_results that acts as an indexed collection of sub-expression matches, each sub-expression match being contained in an object of type sub_match .

Template class match_results denotes a collection of character sequences representing the result of a regular expression match. Objects of type match_results are passed to the algorithms regex_match and regex_search, and are returned by the iterator regex_iterator .  Storage for the collection is allocated and freed as necessary by the member functions of class match_results.

The template class match_results conforms to the requirements of a Sequence, as specified in (lib.sequence.reqmts), except that only operations defined for const-qualified Sequences are supported.

Class template match_results is most commonly used as one of the typedefs cmatch, wcmatch, smatch, or wsmatch:

template <class BidirectionalIterator,
          class Allocator = allocator<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> >
class match_results;

typedef match_results<const char*> cmatch;
typedef match_results<const wchar_t*> wcmatch;
typedef match_results<string::const_iterator> smatch;
typedef match_results<wstring::const_iterator> wsmatch;

template <class BidirectionalIterator,
          class Allocator = allocator<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> >
class match_results
   typedef          sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>                        value_type;
   typedef          const value_type&                                       const_reference;
   typedef          const_reference                                         reference;
   typedef          implementation defined                                  const_iterator;
   typedef          const_iterator                                          iterator;
   typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type difference_type;
   typedef typename Allocator::size_type                                    size_type;
   typedef          Allocator                                               allocator_type;
   typedef typename iterator_traits<BidirectionalIterator>::value_type      char_type;
   typedef          basic_string<char_type>                                 string_type;

   // construct/copy/destroy:
   explicit match_results(const Allocator& a = Allocator());
   match_results(const match_results& m);
   match_results& operator=(const match_results& m); 

   // size:
   size_type size() const;
   size_type max_size() const;
   bool empty() const;
   // element access:
   difference_type length(int sub = 0) const;
   difference_type position(unsigned int sub = 0) const;
   string_type str(int sub = 0) const;
   const_reference operator[](int n) const;

   const_reference prefix() const;

   const_reference suffix() const;
   const_iterator begin() const;
   const_iterator end() const;
   // format:
   template <class OutputIterator>
   OutputIterator format(OutputIterator out,
                         const string_type& fmt,
                         match_flag_type flags = format_default) const;
   string_type format(const string_type& fmt,
                      match_flag_type flags = format_default) const;

   allocator_type get_allocator() const;
   void swap(match_results& that);

   typedef typename value_type::capture_sequence_type capture_sequence_type;
   const capture_sequence_type& captures(std::size_t i)const;


template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
bool operator == (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
                  const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);
template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
bool operator != (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
                  const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);

template <class charT, class traits, class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
   operator << (basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
                const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m);

template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
void swap(match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
          match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);


match_results constructors

In all match_results constructors, a copy of the Allocator argument is used for any memory allocation performed by the constructor or member functions during the lifetime of the object.

match_results(const Allocator& a = Allocator());

Effects: Constructs an object of class match_results. The postconditions of this function are indicated in the table:










match_results(const match_results& m);

Effects: Constructs an object of class match_results, as a copy of m.

match_results& operator=(const match_results& m);

Effects: Assigns m to *this. The postconditions of this function are indicated in the table:








m.str(n) for all integers n < m.size().






m[n] for all integers n < m.size().


m.length(n) for all integers n < m.size().


m.position(n) for all integers n < m.size().

match_results size

size_type size()const;

Effects: Returns the number of sub_match elements stored in *this; that is the number of marked sub-expressions in the regular expression that was matched plus one.

size_type max_size()const;

Effects: Returns the maximum number of sub_match elements that can be stored in *this.

bool empty()const;

Effects: Returns size() == 0.

match_results element access

difference_type length(int sub = 0)const;

Effects: Returns the length of sub-expression sub, that is to say: (*this)[sub].length().

difference_type position(unsigned int sub = 0)const;

Effects: Returns the starting location of sub-expression sub, or -1 if sub was not matched .

string_type str(int sub = 0)const;

Effects: Returns sub-expression sub as a string:  string_type((*this)[sub]).

const_reference operator[](int n) const;

Effects: Returns a reference to the sub_match object representing the character sequence that matched marked sub-expression n. If n == 0 then returns a reference to a sub_match object representing the character sequence that matched the whole regular expression.  If n is out of range, or if n is an unmatched sub-expression, then returns a sub_match object whose matched member is false.

const_reference prefix()const;

Effects: Returns a reference to the sub_match object representing the character sequence from the start of the string being matched/searched, to the start of the match found.

const_reference suffix()const;

Effects: Returns a reference to the sub_match object representing the character sequence from the end of the match found to the end of the string being matched/searched.

const_iterator begin()const;

Effects: Returns a starting iterator that enumerates over all the marked sub-expression matches stored in *this.

const_iterator end()const;

Effects: Returns a terminating iterator that enumerates over all the marked sub-expression matches stored in *this.

match_results reformatting

template <class OutputIterator>
OutputIterator format(OutputIterator out,
                      const string_type& fmt,
                      match_flag_type flags = format_default);

Requires: The type OutputIterator conforms to the Output Iterator requirements (24.1.2).

Effects: Copies the character sequence [fmt.begin(), fmt.end()) to OutputIterator out. For each format specifier or escape sequence in fmt, replace that sequence with either the character(s) it represents, or the sequence of characters within *this to which it refers. The bitmasks specified in flags determines what format specifiers or escape sequences are recognized, by default this is the format used by ECMA-262, ECMAScript Language Specification, Chapter 15 part 5.4.11 String.prototype.replace.

Returns: out.

string_type format(const string_type& fmt,
                   match_flag_type flags = format_default);

Effects: Returns a copy of the string fmt. For each format specifier or escape sequence in fmt, replace that sequence with either the character(s) it represents, or the sequence of characters within *this to which it refers. The bitmasks specified in flags determines what format specifiers or escape sequences are recognized, by default this is the format used by ECMA-262, ECMAScript Language Specification, Chapter 15 part 5.4.11 String.prototype.replace.

Allocator access

allocator_type get_allocator()const;

Effects: Returns a copy of the Allocator that was passed to the object's constructor.


void swap(match_results& that);

Effects: Swaps the contents of the two sequences.

Postcondition: *this contains the sequence of matched sub-expressions that were in that, that contains the sequence of matched sub-expressions that were in *this.

Complexity: constant time.


typedef typename value_type::capture_sequence_type capture_sequence_type;

Defines an implementation-specific type that satisfies the requirements of a standard library Sequence (21.1.1 including the optional Table 68 operations), whose value_type is a sub_match<BidirectionalIterator>. This type happens to be std::vector<sub_match<BidirectionalIterator> >, but you shouldn't actually rely on that.

const capture_sequence_type& captures(std::size_t i)const; 

Effects: returns a sequence containing all the captures obtained for sub-expression i.

Returns: (*this)[i].captures();

Preconditions: the library must be built and used with BOOST_REGEX_MATCH_EXTRA defined, and you must pass the flag match_extra to the regex matching functions (regex_match, regex_search, regex_iterator or regex_token_iterator) in order for this member function to be defined and return useful information.

Rationale: Enabling this feature has several consequences:

match_results non-members

template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
bool operator == (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
                  const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);

Effects: Compares the two sequences for equality.

template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
bool operator != (const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
                  const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);

Effects: Compares the two sequences for inequality.

template <class charT, class traits, class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
   operator << (basic_ostream<charT, traits>& os,
                const match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m);

Effects: Writes the contents of m to the stream os as if by calling os << m.str(); Returns os..

template <class BidirectionalIterator, class Allocator>
void swap(match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m1,
          match_results<BidirectionalIterator, Allocator>& m2);

Effects: Swaps the contents of the two sequences.

Revised 24 Oct 2003

© Copyright John Maddock 1998- 2003

Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at