Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of boost. Click here for the latest Boost documentation.


// Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Daniel James
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#include <boost/unordered/detail/table.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace unordered {
namespace detail {

    // key extractors
    // no throw
    // 'extract_key' is called with the emplace parameters to return a
    // key if available or 'no_key' is one isn't and will need to be
    // constructed. This could be done by overloading the emplace implementation
    // for the different cases, but that's a bit tricky on compilers without
    // variadic templates.

    struct no_key {
        no_key() {}
        template <class T> no_key(T const&) {}

    template <typename Key, typename T>
    struct is_key {
        template <typename T2>
        static choice1::type test(T2 const&);
        static choice2::type test(Key const&);
        enum { value = sizeof(test(boost::unordered::detail::make<T>())) ==
            sizeof(choice2::type) };
        typedef typename boost::detail::if_true<value>::
            BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE then<Key const&, no_key>::type type;

    template <class ValueType>
    struct set_extractor
        typedef ValueType value_type;
        typedef ValueType key_type;

        static key_type const& extract(key_type const& v)
            return v;

        static no_key extract()
            return no_key();
        template <class... Args>
        static no_key extract(Args const&...)
            return no_key();
        template <class Arg>
        static no_key extract(Arg const&)
            return no_key();

        template <class Arg1, class Arg2>
        static no_key extract(Arg1 const&, Arg2 const&)
            return no_key();

        static bool compare_mapped(value_type const&, value_type const&)
            return true;

    template <class Key, class ValueType>
    struct map_extractor
        typedef ValueType value_type;
        typedef typename boost::remove_const<Key>::type key_type;

        static key_type const& extract(value_type const& v)
            return v.first;
        static key_type const& extract(key_type const& v)
            return v;

        template <class Second>
        static key_type const& extract(std::pair<key_type, Second> const& v)
            return v.first;

        template <class Second>
        static key_type const& extract(
            std::pair<key_type const, Second> const& v)
            return v.first;

        template <class Arg1, class... Args>
        static key_type const& extract(key_type const& k,
            Arg1 const&, Args const&...)
            return k;

        template <class... Args>
        static no_key extract(Args const&...)
            return no_key();

        template <class Arg1>
        static key_type const& extract(key_type const& k, Arg1 const&)
            return k;

        static no_key extract()
            return no_key();

        template <class Arg>
        static no_key extract(Arg const&)
            return no_key();

        template <class Arg, class Arg1>
        static no_key extract(Arg const&, Arg1 const&)
            return no_key();


#define BOOST_UNORDERED_KEY_FROM_TUPLE(namespace_)                          \
        template <typename T2>                                              \
        static no_key extract(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct_t,      \
                namespace_::tuple<> const&, BOOST_FWD_REF(T2))              \
        {                                                                   \
            return no_key();                                                \
        }                                                                   \
        template <typename T, typename T2>                                  \
        static typename is_key<key_type, T>::type                           \
            extract(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct_t,                \
                namespace_::tuple<T> const& k, BOOST_FWD_REF(T2))           \
        {                                                                   \
            return typename is_key<key_type, T>::type(                      \
                namespace_::get<0>(k));                                     \


#define BOOST_UNORDERED_KEY_FROM_TUPLE(namespace_)                          \
        static no_key extract(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct_t,      \
                namespace_::tuple<> const&)                                 \
        {                                                                   \
            return no_key();                                                \
        }                                                                   \
        template <typename T>                                               \
        static typename is_key<key_type, T>::type                           \
            extract(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct_t,                \
                namespace_::tuple<T> const& k)                              \
        {                                                                   \
            return typename is_key<key_type, T>::type(                      \
                namespace_::get<0>(k));                                     \



#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TUPLE)

        static bool compare_mapped(value_type const& x, value_type const& y)
            return x.second == y.second;
