Boost GIL


Concepts for channels. More...


struct  ChannelConcept< T >
 A channel is the building block of a color. Color is defined as a mixture of primary colors and a channel defines the degree to which each primary color is used in the mixture. More...
struct  MutableChannelConcept< T >
 A channel that allows for modifying its value. More...
struct  ChannelValueConcept< T >
 A channel that supports default construction. More...
struct  ChannelsCompatibleConcept< T1, T2 >
 Channels are compatible if their associated value types (ignoring constness and references) are the same. More...
struct  ChannelConvertibleConcept< SrcChannel, DstChannel >
 A channel is convertible to another one if the channel_convert algorithm is defined for the two channels. More...

Detailed Description

Concepts for channels.