The BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT macro folds (or accumulates) the elements of a list right-to-left.


BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT(op, state, list)


A ternary operation of the form op(d, state, elem).  This macro is called for each element in list--each time returning a new state.  This operation is expanded by BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT with the next available BOOST_PP_WHILE iteration, the current state, and the current element.
The initial state of the fold.
The list to be folded.


This macro does not have the same signature as it previously did.  The arguments have been swapped to provide a uniform interface with BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_LEFT.
For the list, (0, (1, (2, BOOST_PP_NIL))), this macro expands to:
op(d, op(d, op(d, state, 2), 1), 0)
Previously, this macro could not be used inside BOOST_PP_WHILE.  There is no longer any such restriction.  It is more efficient, however, to use BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT_d in such a situation.

See Also


Header:  <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_right.hpp>

Sample Code

#include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/list/fold_right.hpp>

#define LIST (a, (b, (c, BOOST_PP_NIL)))

#define OP(d, state, x) BOOST_PP_CAT(state, x)

BOOST_PP_LIST_FOLD_RIGHT(OP, _, LIST) // expands to _cba

© Copyright Housemarque Oy 2002
© Copyright Paul Mensonides 2002

Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at