Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// Copyright Daniel Wallin, David Abrahams 2005. Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


# include <boost/parameter/aux_/void.hpp>
# include <boost/parameter/aux_/arg_list.hpp>
# include <boost/parameter/aux_/result_of0.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
# include <boost/mpl/not.hpp>
# include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
# include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
# include <boost/type_traits/is_reference.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace parameter { namespace aux {

struct empty_arg_list;
struct arg_list_tag;

struct tagged_argument_base {};

// Holds a reference to an argument of type Arg associated with
// keyword Keyword
template <class Keyword, class Arg>
struct tagged_argument : tagged_argument_base
    typedef Keyword key_type;
    typedef Arg value_type;
    typedef Arg& reference;

    tagged_argument(reference x) : value(x) {}

    // A metafunction class that, given a keyword and a default
    // type, returns the appropriate result type for a keyword
    // lookup given that default
    struct binding
        template <class KW, class Default, class Reference>
        struct apply
          typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
                boost::is_same<KW, key_type>
              , mpl::if_<Reference, reference, value_type>
              , mpl::identity<Default>
          >::type type;

    // Comma operator to compose argument list without using parameters<>.
    // Useful for argument lists with undetermined length.
    template <class Keyword2, class Arg2>
        tagged_argument<Keyword, Arg>
      , arg_list<tagged_argument<Keyword2, Arg2> > 
    operator,(tagged_argument<Keyword2, Arg2> x) const
        return arg_list<
            tagged_argument<Keyword, Arg>
          , arg_list<tagged_argument<Keyword2, Arg2> > 
          , arg_list<tagged_argument<Keyword2, Arg2> >(x, empty_arg_list())

    reference operator[](keyword<Keyword> const&) const
        return value;

    template <class KW, class Default>
    Default& get_with_default(default_<KW,Default> const& x, int) const
        return x.value;

    template <class Default>
    reference get_with_default(default_<key_type,Default> const&, long) const
        return value;

    template <class KW, class Default>
    typename mpl::apply_wrap3<binding, KW, Default&, mpl::true_>::type
    operator[](default_<KW,Default> const& x) const
        return get_with_default(x, 0L);

    template <class KW, class F>
    typename result_of0<F>::type 
    get_with_lazy_default(lazy_default<KW,F> const& x, int) const
        return x.compute_default();

    template <class F>
    reference get_with_lazy_default(lazy_default<key_type,F> const&, long) const
        return value;

    template <class KW, class F>
    typename mpl::apply_wrap3<
      , typename result_of0<F>::type
      , mpl::true_
    operator[](lazy_default<KW,F> const& x) const
        return get_with_lazy_default(x, 0L);
# else
    template <class Default>
    reference operator[](default_<key_type,Default> const& ) const
        return value;

    template <class F>
    reference operator[](lazy_default<key_type,F> const& ) const
        return value;

    template <class KW, class Default>
    Default& operator[](default_<KW,Default> const& x) const
        return x.value;

    template <class KW, class F>
    typename result_of0<F>::type operator[](lazy_default<KW,F> const& x) const
        return x.compute_default();

    template <class ParameterRequirements>
    static typename ParameterRequirements::has_default

    template <class HasDefault, class Predicate>
    static typename mpl::apply1<Predicate, value_type>::type
# endif

    reference value;
    // warning suppression
    void operator=(tagged_argument const&);
# endif
    // MPL sequence support
    typedef tagged_argument type;            // Convenience for users
    typedef empty_arg_list tail_type;        // For the benefit of iterators
    typedef arg_list_tag tag; // For dispatching to sequence intrinsics

// Defines a metafunction, is_tagged_argument, that identifies
// tagged_argument specializations and their derived classes.
template <class T>
struct is_tagged_argument_aux
  : is_convertible<T*,tagged_argument_base const*>

template <class T>
struct is_tagged_argument
  : mpl::and_<
        mpl::not_<is_reference<T> >
      , is_tagged_argument_aux<T>

}}} // namespace boost::parameter::aux