Boost.Hana  1.5.0
Your standard library for metaprogramming
Data types


General purpose data types provided by the library.


struct  boost::hana::integral_constant< T, v >
 Compile-time value of an integral type. More...
struct  boost::hana::basic_tuple< Xs >
 Stripped down version of hana::tuple. More...
struct  boost::hana::lazy< implementation_defined >
 hana::lazy implements superficial laziness via a monadic interface. More...
struct  boost::hana::map< Pairs >
 Basic associative container requiring unique, Comparable and Hashable keys. More...
struct  boost::hana::optional< T >
 Optional value whose optional-ness is known at compile-time. More...
struct  boost::hana::pair< First, Second >
 Generic container for two elements. More...
struct  boost::hana::range< T, from, to >
 Compile-time half-open interval of hana::integral_constants. More...
struct  boost::hana::set< implementation_defined >
 Basic unordered container requiring unique, Comparable and Hashable keys. More...
struct  boost::hana::string< implementation_defined >
 Compile-time string. More...
struct  boost::hana::tuple< Xn >
 General purpose index-based heterogeneous sequence with a fixed length. More...
struct  boost::hana::type< T >
 C++ type in value-level representation. More...