Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// Copyright 2015-2018 Hans Dembinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at


#include <boost/histogram/detail/axes.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/common_type.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/compressed_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/linearize.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/noop_mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/detail/static_if.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/storage_adaptor.hpp>
#include <boost/histogram/unsafe_access.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11/list.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <mutex>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

namespace boost {
namespace histogram {

/** Central class of the histogram library.

  Histogram uses the call operator to insert data, like the

  Use factory functions (see
  [make_profile.hpp](histogram/reference.html#header.boost.histogram.make_profile_hpp)) to
  conveniently create histograms rather than calling the ctors directly.

  Use the [indexed](boost/histogram/indexed.html) range generator to iterate over filled
  histograms, which is convenient and faster than hand-written loops for multi-dimensional

  @tparam Axes std::tuple of axis types OR std::vector of an axis type or axis::variant
  @tparam Storage class that implements the storage interface
template <class Axes, class Storage>
class histogram {
  static_assert(mp11::mp_size<Axes>::value > 0, "at least one axis required");
  static_assert(std::is_same<std::decay_t<Storage>, Storage>::value,
                "Storage may not be a reference or const or volatile");

  using axes_type = Axes;
  using storage_type = Storage;
  using value_type = typename storage_type::value_type;
  // typedefs for boost::range_iterator
  using iterator = typename storage_type::iterator;
  using const_iterator = typename storage_type::const_iterator;

  histogram() = default;
  histogram(const histogram& rhs)
      : axes_(rhs.axes_), storage_and_mutex_(rhs.storage_and_mutex_.first()) {}
  histogram(histogram&& rhs)
      : axes_(std::move(rhs.axes_))
      , storage_and_mutex_(std::move(rhs.storage_and_mutex_.first())) {}
  histogram& operator=(histogram&& rhs) {
    if (this != &rhs) {
      axes_ = std::move(rhs.axes_);
      storage_and_mutex_.first() = std::move(rhs.storage_and_mutex_.first());
    return *this;
  histogram& operator=(const histogram& rhs) {
    if (this != &rhs) {
      axes_ = rhs.axes_;
      storage_and_mutex_.first() = rhs.storage_and_mutex_.first();
    return *this;

  template <class A, class S>
  explicit histogram(histogram<A, S>&& rhs)
      : storage_and_mutex_(std::move(unsafe_access::storage(rhs))) {
    detail::axes_assign(axes_, std::move(unsafe_access::axes(rhs)));

  template <class A, class S>
  explicit histogram(const histogram<A, S>& rhs)
      : storage_and_mutex_(unsafe_access::storage(rhs)) {
    detail::axes_assign(axes_, unsafe_access::axes(rhs));

  template <class A, class S>
  histogram& operator=(histogram<A, S>&& rhs) {
    detail::axes_assign(axes_, std::move(unsafe_access::axes(rhs)));
    storage_and_mutex_.first() = std::move(unsafe_access::storage(rhs));
    return *this;

  template <class A, class S>
  histogram& operator=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
    detail::axes_assign(axes_, unsafe_access::axes(rhs));
    storage_and_mutex_.first() = unsafe_access::storage(rhs);
    return *this;

  template <class A, class S>
  histogram(A&& a, S&& s)
      : axes_(std::forward<A>(a)), storage_and_mutex_(std::forward<S>(s)) {

  template <class A, class = detail::requires_axes<A>>
  explicit histogram(A&& a) : histogram(std::forward<A>(a), storage_type()) {}

  /// Number of axes (dimensions).
  constexpr unsigned rank() const noexcept { return detail::axes_rank(axes_); }

  /// Total number of bins (including underflow/overflow).
  std::size_t size() const noexcept { return storage_and_mutex_.first().size(); }

  /// Reset all bins to default initialized values.
  void reset() { storage_and_mutex_.first().reset(size()); }

  /// Get N-th axis using a compile-time number.
  /// This version is more efficient than the one accepting a run-time number.
  template <unsigned N = 0>
  decltype(auto) axis(std::integral_constant<unsigned, N> = {}) const {
    detail::axis_index_is_valid(axes_, N);
    return detail::axis_get<N>(axes_);

  /// Get N-th axis with run-time number.
  /// Prefer the version that accepts a compile-time number, if you can use it.
  decltype(auto) axis(unsigned i) const {
    detail::axis_index_is_valid(axes_, i);
    return detail::axis_get(axes_, i);

  /// Apply unary functor/function to each axis.
  template <class Unary>
  auto for_each_axis(Unary&& unary) const {
    return detail::for_each_axis(axes_, std::forward<Unary>(unary));

  /** Fill histogram with values, an optional weight, and/or a sample.

   Arguments are passed in order to the axis objects. Passing an argument type that is
   not convertible to the value type accepted by the axis or passing the wrong number
   of arguments causes a throw of `std::invalid_argument`.

   __Optional weight__

   An optional weight can be passed as the first or last argument
   with the [weight](boost/histogram/weight.html) helper function. Compilation fails if
   the storage elements do not support weights.


   If the storage elements accept samples, pass them with the sample helper function
   in addition to the axis arguments, which can be the first or last argument. The
   [sample](boost/histogram/sample.html) helper function can pass one or more arguments to
   the storage element. If samples and weights are used together, they can be passed in
   any order at the beginning or end of the argument list.

   __Axis with multiple arguments__

   If the histogram contains an axis which accepts a `std::tuple` of arguments, the
   arguments for that axis need to passed as a `std::tuple`, for example,
   `std::make_tuple(1.2, 2.3)`. If the histogram contains only this axis and no other,
   the arguments can be passed directly.
  template <class... Ts>
  iterator operator()(const Ts&... ts) {
    return operator()(std::forward_as_tuple(ts...));

  /// Fill histogram with values, an optional weight, and/or a sample from a `std::tuple`.
  template <class... Ts>
  iterator operator()(const std::tuple<Ts...>& t) {
    std::lock_guard<mutex_type> guard{storage_and_mutex_.second()};
    return detail::fill(axes_, storage_and_mutex_.first(), t);

  /** Access cell value at integral indices.

    You can pass indices as individual arguments, as a std::tuple of integers, or as an
    interable range of integers. Passing the wrong number of arguments causes a throw of
    std::invalid_argument. Passing an index which is out of bounds causes a throw of

    @param i index of first axis.
    @param is indices of second, third, ... axes.
    @returns reference to cell value.
  template <class... Indices>
  decltype(auto) at(axis::index_type i, Indices... is) {
    return at(std::forward_as_tuple(i, is...));

  /// Access cell value at integral indices (read-only).
  template <class... Indices>
  decltype(auto) at(axis::index_type i, Indices... is) const {
    return at(std::forward_as_tuple(i, is...));

  /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in `std::tuple`.
  template <typename... Indices>
  decltype(auto) at(const std::tuple<Indices...>& is) {
    const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, is);
    if (!idx)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("at least one index out of bounds"));
    return storage_and_mutex_.first()[*idx];

  /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in `std::tuple` (read-only).
  template <typename... Indices>
  decltype(auto) at(const std::tuple<Indices...>& is) const {
    const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, is);
    if (!idx)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("at least one index out of bounds"));
    return storage_and_mutex_.first()[*idx];

  /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in iterable.
  template <class Iterable, class = detail::requires_iterable<Iterable>>
  decltype(auto) at(const Iterable& is) {
    const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, is);
    if (!idx)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("at least one index out of bounds"));
    return storage_and_mutex_.first()[*idx];

  /// Access cell value at integral indices stored in iterable (read-only).
  template <class Iterable, class = detail::requires_iterable<Iterable>>
  decltype(auto) at(const Iterable& is) const {
    const auto idx = detail::at(axes_, is);
    if (!idx)
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::out_of_range("at least one index out of bounds"));
    return storage_and_mutex_.first()[*idx];

  /// Access value at index (number for rank = 1, else `std::tuple` or iterable).
  template <class Indices>
  decltype(auto) operator[](const Indices& is) {
    return at(is);

  /// Access value at index (read-only).
  template <class Indices>
  decltype(auto) operator[](const Indices& is) const {
    return at(is);

  /// Equality operator, tests equality for all axes and the storage.
  template <class A, class S>
  bool operator==(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) const noexcept {
    return detail::axes_equal(axes_, unsafe_access::axes(rhs)) &&
           storage_and_mutex_.first() == unsafe_access::storage(rhs);

  /// Negation of the equality operator.
  template <class A, class S>
  bool operator!=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) const noexcept {
    return !operator==(rhs);

  /// Add values of another histogram.
  template <class A, class S,
            class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_radd<
                value_type, typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value>>
  histogram& operator+=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
    if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, unsafe_access::axes(rhs)))
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
    auto rit = unsafe_access::storage(rhs).begin();
    auto& s = storage_and_mutex_.first();
    std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x += *rit++; });
    return *this;

  /// Subtract values of another histogram.
  template <class A, class S,
            class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_rsub<
                value_type, typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value>>
  histogram& operator-=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
    if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, unsafe_access::axes(rhs)))
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
    auto rit = unsafe_access::storage(rhs).begin();
    auto& s = storage_and_mutex_.first();
    std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x -= *rit++; });
    return *this;

  /// Multiply by values of another histogram.
  template <class A, class S,
            class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_rmul<
                value_type, typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value>>
  histogram& operator*=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
    if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, unsafe_access::axes(rhs)))
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
    auto rit = unsafe_access::storage(rhs).begin();
    auto& s = storage_and_mutex_.first();
    std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x *= *rit++; });
    return *this;

  /// Divide by values of another histogram.
  template <class A, class S,
            class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_rdiv<
                value_type, typename histogram<A, S>::value_type>::value>>
  histogram& operator/=(const histogram<A, S>& rhs) {
    if (!detail::axes_equal(axes_, unsafe_access::axes(rhs)))
      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::invalid_argument("axes of histograms differ"));
    auto rit = unsafe_access::storage(rhs).begin();
    auto& s = storage_and_mutex_.first();
    std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), [&rit](auto&& x) { x /= *rit++; });
    return *this;

  /// Multiply all values with a scalar.
  template <class V = value_type,
            class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_rmul<V, double>::value>>
  histogram& operator*=(const double x) {
    // use special implementation of scaling if available
    detail::static_if<detail::has_operator_rmul<storage_type, double>>(
        [](storage_type& s, auto x) { s *= x; },
        [](storage_type& s, auto x) {
          for (auto&& si : s) si *= x;
        storage_and_mutex_.first(), x);
    return *this;

  /// Divide all values by a scalar.
  template <class V = value_type,
            class = std::enable_if_t<detail::has_operator_rmul<V, double>::value>>
  histogram& operator/=(const double x) {
    return operator*=(1.0 / x);

  /// Return value iterator to the beginning of the histogram.
  iterator begin() noexcept { return storage_and_mutex_.first().begin(); }

  /// Return value iterator to the end in the histogram.
  iterator end() noexcept { return storage_and_mutex_.first().end(); }

  /// Return value iterator to the beginning of the histogram (read-only).
  const_iterator begin() const noexcept { return storage_and_mutex_.first().begin(); }

  /// Return value iterator to the end in the histogram (read-only).
  const_iterator end() const noexcept { return storage_and_mutex_.first().end(); }

  /// Return value iterator to the beginning of the histogram (read-only).
  const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return begin(); }

  /// Return value iterator to the end in the histogram (read-only).
  const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return end(); }

  axes_type axes_;

  using mutex_type = mp11::mp_if_c<(storage_type::has_threading_support &&
                                   std::mutex, detail::noop_mutex>;

  detail::compressed_pair<storage_type, mutex_type> storage_and_mutex_;

  friend struct unsafe_access;

  Pairwise add cells of two histograms and return histogram with the sum.

  The returned histogram type is the most efficient and safest one constructible from the
  inputs, if they are not the same type. If one histogram has a tuple axis, the result has
  a tuple axis. The chosen storage is the one with the larger dynamic range.
template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
auto operator+(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
  auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
  return r += b;

/** Pairwise multiply cells of two histograms and return histogram with the product.

  For notes on the returned histogram type, see operator+.
template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
auto operator*(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
  auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
  return r *= b;

/** Pairwise subtract cells of two histograms and return histogram with the difference.

  For notes on the returned histogram type, see operator+.
template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
auto operator-(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
  auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
  return r -= b;

/** Pairwise divide cells of two histograms and return histogram with the quotient.

  For notes on the returned histogram type, see operator+.
template <class A1, class S1, class A2, class S2>
auto operator/(const histogram<A1, S1>& a, const histogram<A2, S2>& b) {
  auto r = histogram<detail::common_axes<A1, A2>, detail::common_storage<S1, S2>>(a);
  return r /= b;

/** Multiply all cells of the histogram by a number and return a new histogram.

  If the original histogram has integer cells, the result has double cells.
template <class A, class S>
auto operator*(const histogram<A, S>& h, double x) {
  auto r = histogram<A, detail::common_storage<S, dense_storage<double>>>(h);
  return r *= x;

/** Multiply all cells of the histogram by a number and return a new histogram.

  If the original histogram has integer cells, the result has double cells.
template <class A, class S>
auto operator*(double x, const histogram<A, S>& h) {
  return h * x;

/** Divide all cells of the histogram by a number and return a new histogram.

  If the original histogram has integer cells, the result has double cells.
template <class A, class S>
auto operator/(const histogram<A, S>& h, double x) {
  return h * (1.0 / x);

#if __cpp_deduction_guides >= 201606

template <class Axes>
histogram(Axes&& axes)->histogram<std::decay_t<Axes>, default_storage>;

template <class Axes, class Storage>
histogram(Axes&& axes, Storage&& storage)
    ->histogram<std::decay_t<Axes>, std::decay_t<Storage>>;


/** Helper function to mark argument as weight.

  @param t argument to be forward to the histogram.
template <typename T>
auto weight(T&& t) noexcept {
  return weight_type<T>{std::forward<T>(t)};

/** Helper function to mark arguments as sample.

  @param ts arguments to be forwarded to the accumulator.
template <typename... Ts>
auto sample(Ts&&... ts) noexcept {
  return sample_type<std::tuple<Ts...>>{std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...)};

template <class T>
struct weight_type {
  T value;

template <class T>
struct sample_type {
  T value;

} // namespace histogram
} // namespace boost
