Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Joel de Guzman
    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Hartmut Kaiser

    Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
    License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace spirit {


    template <typename FirstT, typename RestT>
    struct subrule_list;

    template <int ID, typename DefT, typename ContextT>
    struct subrule_parser;

    namespace impl {

        template <int N, typename ListT>
        struct get_subrule
            //  First case. ListT is non-empty but the list's
            //  first item does not have the ID we are looking for.

            typedef typename get_subrule<N, typename ListT::rest_t>::type type;

        template <int ID, typename DefT, typename ContextT, typename RestT>
        struct get_subrule<
                subrule_parser<ID, DefT, ContextT>,
                RestT> >
            //  Second case. ListT is non-empty and the list's
            //  first item has the ID we are looking for.

            typedef DefT type;

        template <int ID>
        struct get_subrule<ID, nil_t>
            //  Third case. ListT is empty
            typedef nil_t type;

        template <typename T1, typename T2>
        struct get_result_t {

        //  If the result type dictated by the context is nil_t (no closures
        //  present), then the whole subrule_parser return type is equal to
        //  the return type of the right hand side of this subrule_parser,
        //  otherwise it is equal to the dictated return value.

            typedef typename mpl::if_<
                boost::is_same<T1, nil_t>, T2, T1
            >::type type;

        template <int ID, typename ScannerT, typename ContextResultT>
        struct get_subrule_result
            typedef typename
                impl::get_subrule<ID, typename ScannerT::list_t>::type

            typedef typename parser_result<parser_t, ScannerT>::type

            typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, ContextResultT>::type

            typedef typename get_result_t<context_result_t, def_result_t>::type

        template <typename DefT, typename ScannerT, typename ContextResultT>
        struct get_subrule_parser_result
            typedef typename parser_result<DefT, ScannerT>::type

            typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, ContextResultT>::type

            typedef typename get_result_t<context_result_t, def_result_t>::type

        template <typename SubruleT, int ID>
        struct same_subrule_id
            BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, value = (SubruleT::id == ID));

        template <typename RT, typename ScannerT, int ID>
        struct parse_subrule
            template <typename ListT>
            static void
            do_parse(RT& r, ScannerT const& scan, ListT const& list, mpl::true_)
                r = list.first.rhs.parse(scan);

            template <typename ListT>
            static void
            do_parse(RT& r, ScannerT const& scan, ListT const& list, mpl::false_)
                typedef typename ListT::rest_t::first_t subrule_t;
                mpl::bool_<same_subrule_id<subrule_t, ID>::value> same_id;
                do_parse(r, scan,, same_id);

            static void
            do_(RT& r, ScannerT const& scan)
                typedef typename ScannerT::list_t::first_t subrule_t;
                mpl::bool_<same_subrule_id<subrule_t, ID>::value> same_id;
                do_parse(r, scan, scan.list, same_id);



}} // namespace boost::spirit::impl
