Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


    Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Joel de Guzman
    Copyright (c) 2002 Raghavendra Satish
    Copyright (c) 2002 Jeff Westfahl

  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/namespace.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/core/parser.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/home/classic/core/composite/composite.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace spirit {


    //  fixed_loop class
    //      This class takes care of the construct:
    //          repeat_p (exact) [p]
    //      where 'p' is a parser and 'exact' is the number of times to
    //      repeat. The parser iterates over the input exactly 'exact' times.
    //      The parse function fails if the parser does not match the input
    //      exactly 'exact' times.
    //      This class is parametizable and can accept constant arguments
    //      (e.g. repeat_p (5) [p]) as well as references to variables (e.g.
    //      repeat_p (ref (n)) [p]).
    template <typename ParserT, typename ExactT>
    class fixed_loop
    : public unary<ParserT, parser <fixed_loop <ParserT, ExactT> > >

        typedef fixed_loop<ParserT, ExactT>     self_t;
        typedef unary<ParserT, parser<self_t> >  base_t;

        fixed_loop (ParserT const & subject_, ExactT const & exact)
        : base_t(subject_), m_exact(exact) {}

        template <typename ScannerT>
        typename parser_result <self_t, ScannerT>::type
        parse (ScannerT const & scan) const
            typedef typename parser_result<self_t, ScannerT>::type result_t;
            result_t hit = scan.empty_match();
            std::size_t n = m_exact;

            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                if (result_t next = this->subject().parse(scan))
                    scan.concat_match(hit, next);
                    return scan.no_match();

            return hit;

        template <typename ScannerT>
        struct result
            typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, nil_t>::type type;


        ExactT m_exact;

    //  finite_loop class
    //      This class takes care of the construct:
    //          repeat_p (min, max) [p]
    //      where 'p' is a parser, 'min' and 'max' specifies the minimum and
    //      maximum iterations over 'p'. The parser iterates over the input
    //      at least 'min' times and at most 'max' times. The parse function
    //      fails if the parser does not match the input at least 'min' times
    //      and at most 'max' times.
    //      This class is parametizable and can accept constant arguments
    //      (e.g. repeat_p (5, 10) [p]) as well as references to variables
    //      (e.g. repeat_p (ref (n1), ref (n2)) [p]).
    template <typename ParserT, typename MinT, typename MaxT>
    class finite_loop
    : public unary<ParserT, parser<finite_loop<ParserT, MinT, MaxT> > >

        typedef finite_loop <ParserT, MinT, MaxT> self_t;
        typedef unary<ParserT, parser<self_t> >   base_t;

        finite_loop (ParserT const & subject_, MinT const & min, MaxT const & max)
        : base_t(subject_), m_min(min), m_max(max) {}

        template <typename ScannerT>
        typename parser_result <self_t, ScannerT>::type
        parse(ScannerT const & scan) const
            BOOST_SPIRIT_ASSERT(m_min <= m_max);
            typedef typename parser_result<self_t, ScannerT>::type result_t;
            result_t hit = scan.empty_match();

            std::size_t n1 = m_min;
            std::size_t n2 = m_max;

            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n2; ++i)
                typename ScannerT::iterator_t save = scan.first;
                result_t next = this->subject().parse(scan);
                if (!next)
                    if (i >= n1)
                        scan.first = save;
                        return scan.no_match();

                scan.concat_match(hit, next);

            return hit;

        template <typename ScannerT>
        struct result
            typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, nil_t>::type type;


        MinT    m_min;
        MaxT    m_max;

    //  infinite_loop class
    //      This class takes care of the construct:
    //          repeat_p (min, more) [p]
    //      where 'p' is a parser, 'min' is the minimum iteration over 'p'
    //      and more specifies that the iteration should proceed
    //      indefinitely. The parser iterates over the input at least 'min'
    //      times and continues indefinitely until 'p' fails or all of the
    //      input is parsed. The parse function fails if the parser does not
    //      match the input at least 'min' times.
    //      This class is parametizable and can accept constant arguments
    //      (e.g. repeat_p (5, more) [p]) as well as references to variables
    //      (e.g. repeat_p (ref (n), more) [p]).

    struct more_t {};
    more_t const more = more_t ();

    template <typename ParserT, typename MinT>
    class infinite_loop
     : public unary<ParserT, parser<infinite_loop<ParserT, MinT> > >

        typedef infinite_loop <ParserT, MinT>   self_t;
        typedef unary<ParserT, parser<self_t> > base_t;

        infinite_loop (
            ParserT const& subject_,
            MinT const& min,
            more_t const&
        : base_t(subject_), m_min(min) {}

        template <typename ScannerT>
        typename parser_result <self_t, ScannerT>::type
        parse(ScannerT const & scan) const
            typedef typename parser_result<self_t, ScannerT>::type result_t;
            result_t hit = scan.empty_match();
            std::size_t n = m_min;

            for (std::size_t i = 0; ; ++i)
                typename ScannerT::iterator_t save = scan.first;
                result_t next = this->subject().parse(scan);

                if (!next)
                    if (i >= n)
                        scan.first = save;
                        return scan.no_match();

                scan.concat_match(hit, next);

            return hit;

        template <typename ScannerT>
        struct result
            typedef typename match_result<ScannerT, nil_t>::type type;


        MinT m_min;

    template <typename ExactT>
    struct fixed_loop_gen
        fixed_loop_gen (ExactT const & exact)
        : m_exact (exact) {}

        template <typename ParserT>
        fixed_loop <ParserT, ExactT>
        operator[](parser <ParserT> const & subject_) const
            return fixed_loop <ParserT, ExactT> (subject_.derived (), m_exact);

        ExactT m_exact;

    namespace impl {

        template <typename ParserT, typename MinT, typename MaxT>
        struct loop_traits
            typedef typename mpl::if_<
                boost::is_same<MaxT, more_t>,
                infinite_loop<ParserT, MinT>,
                finite_loop<ParserT, MinT, MaxT>
            >::type type;

    } // namespace impl

    template <typename MinT, typename MaxT>
    struct nonfixed_loop_gen
       nonfixed_loop_gen (MinT min, MaxT max)
        : m_min (min), m_max (max) {}

       template <typename ParserT>
       typename impl::loop_traits<ParserT, MinT, MaxT>::type
       operator[](parser <ParserT> const & subject_) const
           typedef typename impl::loop_traits<ParserT, MinT, MaxT>::type ret_t;
           return ret_t(

       MinT m_min;
       MaxT m_max;

    template <typename ExactT>
    fixed_loop_gen <ExactT>
    repeat_p(ExactT const & exact)
        return fixed_loop_gen <ExactT> (exact);

    template <typename MinT, typename MaxT>
    nonfixed_loop_gen <MinT, MaxT>
    repeat_p(MinT const & min, MaxT const & max)
        return nonfixed_loop_gen <MinT, MaxT> (min, max);



#endif // #if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_LOOPS_HPP)