Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


    Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Joel de Guzman

    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
    file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_TST_MARCH_09_2007_0905AM)
#define BOOST_SPIRIT_X3_TST_MARCH_09_2007_0905AM

#include <boost/call_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>

#include <string>

namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace x3 { namespace detail
    // This file contains low level TST routines, not for
    // public consumption.

    template <typename Char, typename T>
    struct tst_node
        tst_node(Char id)
          : id(id), data(0), lt(0), eq(0), gt(0)

        template <typename Alloc>
        static void
        destruct_node(tst_node* p, Alloc* alloc)
            if (p)
                if (p->data)
                destruct_node(p->lt, alloc);
                destruct_node(p->eq, alloc);
                destruct_node(p->gt, alloc);

        template <typename Alloc>
        static tst_node*
        clone_node(tst_node* p, Alloc* alloc)
            if (p)
                tst_node* clone = alloc->new_node(p->id);
                if (p->data)
                    clone->data = alloc->new_data(*p->data);
                clone->lt = clone_node(p->lt, alloc);
                clone->eq = clone_node(p->eq, alloc);
                clone->gt = clone_node(p->gt, alloc);
                return clone;
            return 0;

        template <typename Iterator, typename CaseCompare>
        static T*
        find(tst_node* start, Iterator& first, Iterator last, CaseCompare comp)
            if (first == last)
                return 0;

            Iterator i = first;
            Iterator latest = first;
            tst_node* p = start;
            T* found = 0;

            while (p && i != last)
                int32_t c = comp(*i,p->id);
                if (c == 0)
                    if (p->data)
                        found = p->data;
                        latest = i;
                    p = p->eq;
                else if (c < 0)
                    p = p->lt;
                    p = p->gt;

            if (found)
                first = ++latest; // one past the last matching char
            return found;

        template <typename Iterator, typename Alloc>
        static T*
            tst_node*& start
          , Iterator first
          , Iterator last
          , typename boost::call_traits<T>::param_type val
          , Alloc* alloc)
            if (first == last)
                return 0;

            tst_node** pp = &start;
            for (;;)
                auto c = *first;

                if (*pp == 0)
                    *pp = alloc->new_node(c);
                tst_node* p = *pp;

                if (c == p->id)
                    if (++first == last)
                        if (p->data == 0)
                            p->data = alloc->new_data(val);
                        return p->data;
                    pp = &p->eq;
                else if (c < p->id)
                    pp = &p->lt;
                    pp = &p->gt;

        template <typename Iterator, typename Alloc>
        static void
        remove(tst_node*& p, Iterator first, Iterator last, Alloc* alloc)
            if (p == 0 || first == last)

            auto c = *first;

            if (c == p->id)
                if (++first == last)
                    if (p->data)
                        p->data = 0;
                remove(p->eq, first, last, alloc);
            else if (c < p->id)
                remove(p->lt, first, last, alloc);
                remove(p->gt, first, last, alloc);

            if (p->data == 0 && p->lt == 0 && p->eq == 0 && p->gt == 0)
                p = 0;

        template <typename F>
        static void
        for_each(tst_node* p, std::basic_string<Char> prefix, F f)
            if (p)
                for_each(p->lt, prefix, f);
                std::basic_string<Char> s = prefix + p->id;
                for_each(p->eq, s, f);
                if (p->data)
                    f(s, *p->data);
                for_each(p->gt, prefix, f);

        Char id;        // the node's identity character
        T* data;        // optional data
        tst_node* lt;   // left pointer
        tst_node* eq;   // middle pointer
        tst_node* gt;   // right pointer
