Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


    Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Joel de Guzman
    Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Daniel Nuffer

    Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
    License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include <bitset>
#include <boost/xpressive/detail/utility/chset/basic_chset.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace detail

//  basic_chset: character set implementation
template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset<Char>::basic_chset()

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset<Char>::basic_chset(basic_chset const &arg)
  : rr_(arg.rr_)

template<typename Char>
inline bool basic_chset<Char>::empty() const
    return this->rr_.empty();

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline bool basic_chset<Char>::test(Char v, Traits const &, mpl::false_) const // case-sensitive
    return this->rr_.test(v);

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline bool basic_chset<Char>::test(Char v, Traits const &tr, mpl::true_) const // case-insensitive
    return this->rr_.test(v, tr);

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::set(Char from, Char to)
    this->rr_.set(range<Char>(from, to));

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::set(Char from, Char to, Traits const &)
    this->rr_.set(range<Char>(from, to));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::set(Char c)
    this->rr_.set(range<Char>(c, c));

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::set(Char c, Traits const &)
    this->rr_.set(range<Char>(c, c));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::clear(Char c)
    this->rr_.clear(range<Char>(c, c));

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::clear(Char c, Traits const &)
    this->rr_.clear(range<Char>(c, c));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::clear(Char from, Char to)
    this->rr_.clear(range<Char>(from, to));

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::clear(Char from, Char to, Traits const &)
    this->rr_.clear(range<Char>(from, to));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::clear()

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::inverse()
    // BUGBUG is this right? Does this handle icase correctly?
    basic_chset<Char> inv;
    inv.set((std::numeric_limits<Char>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<Char>::max)());
    inv -= *this;

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset<Char>::swap(basic_chset<Char> &that)

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset<Char> &
basic_chset<Char>::operator |=(basic_chset<Char> const &that)
    typedef typename range_run<Char>::const_iterator const_iterator;
    for(const_iterator iter = that.rr_.begin(); iter != that.rr_.end(); ++iter)
    return *this;

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset<Char> &
basic_chset<Char>::operator &=(basic_chset<Char> const &that)
    basic_chset<Char> inv;
    inv.set((std::numeric_limits<Char>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<Char>::max)());
    inv -= that;
    *this -= inv;
    return *this;

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset<Char> &
basic_chset<Char>::operator -=(basic_chset<Char> const &that)
    typedef typename range_run<Char>::const_iterator const_iterator;
    for(const_iterator iter = that.rr_.begin(); iter != that.rr_.end(); ++iter)
    return *this;

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset<Char> &
basic_chset<Char>::operator ^=(basic_chset<Char> const &that)
    basic_chset bma = that;
    bma -= *this;
    *this -= that;
    *this |= bma;
    return *this;

#if(CHAR_BIT == 8)

//  basic_chset: specializations for 8 bit chars using std::bitset
template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset_8bit<Char>::basic_chset_8bit()

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset_8bit<Char>::basic_chset_8bit(basic_chset_8bit<Char> const &arg)
  : bset_(arg.bset_)

template<typename Char>
inline bool basic_chset_8bit<Char>::empty() const
    return !this->bset_.any();

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline bool basic_chset_8bit<Char>::test(Char v, Traits const &, mpl::false_) const // case-sensitive
    return this->bset_.test((unsigned char)v);

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline bool basic_chset_8bit<Char>::test(Char v, Traits const &tr, mpl::true_) const // case-insensitive
    return this->bset_.test((unsigned char)tr.translate_nocase(v));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::set(Char from, Char to)
    for(int i = from; i <= to; ++i)
        this->bset_.set((unsigned char)i);

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::set(Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr)
    for(int i = from; i <= to; ++i)
        this->bset_.set((unsigned char)tr.translate_nocase((Char)i));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::set(Char c)
    this->bset_.set((unsigned char)c);

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::set(Char c, Traits const &tr)
    this->bset_.set((unsigned char)tr.translate_nocase(c));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::clear(Char from, Char to)
    for(int i = from; i <= to; ++i)
        this->bset_.reset((unsigned char)i);

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::clear(Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr)
    for(int i = from; i <= to; ++i)
        this->bset_.reset((unsigned char)tr.translate_nocase((Char)i));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::clear(Char c)
    this->bset_.reset((unsigned char)c);

template<typename Char>
template<typename Traits>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::clear(Char c, Traits const &tr)
    this->bset_.reset((unsigned char)tr.tranlsate_nocase(c));

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::clear()

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::inverse()

template<typename Char>
inline void basic_chset_8bit<Char>::swap(basic_chset_8bit<Char> &that)
    std::swap(this->bset_, that.bset_);

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset_8bit<Char> &
basic_chset_8bit<Char>::operator |=(basic_chset_8bit<Char> const &that)
    this->bset_ |= that.bset_;
    return *this;

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset_8bit<Char> &
basic_chset_8bit<Char>::operator &=(basic_chset_8bit<Char> const &that)
    this->bset_ &= that.bset_;
    return *this;

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset_8bit<Char> &
basic_chset_8bit<Char>::operator -=(basic_chset_8bit<Char> const &that)
    this->bset_ &= ~that.bset_;
    return *this;

template<typename Char>
inline basic_chset_8bit<Char> &
basic_chset_8bit<Char>::operator ^=(basic_chset_8bit<Char> const &that)
    this->bset_ ^= that.bset_;
    return *this;

template<typename Char>
inline std::bitset<256> const &
basic_chset_8bit<Char>::base() const
    return this->bset_;

#endif // if(CHAR_BIT == 8)

// helpers
template<typename Char, typename Traits>
inline void set_char(basic_chset<Char> &chset, Char ch, Traits const &tr, bool icase)
    icase ? chset.set(ch, tr) : chset.set(ch);

template<typename Char, typename Traits>
inline void set_range(basic_chset<Char> &chset, Char from, Char to, Traits const &tr, bool icase)
    icase ? chset.set(from, to, tr) : chset.set(from, to);

template<typename Char, typename Traits>
inline void set_class(basic_chset<Char> &chset, typename Traits::char_class_type char_class, bool no, Traits const &tr)
    BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_RELATION(1, ==, sizeof(Char));
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i)
        typedef typename std::char_traits<Char>::int_type int_type;
        Char ch = std::char_traits<Char>::to_char_type(static_cast<int_type>(i));
        if(no != tr.isctype(ch, char_class))

}}} // namespace boost::xpressive::detail
