Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


//  (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001.
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
//  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 

//  See for the library home page.
//!@brief Random generator
// ***************************************************************************


// Boost.Test
#include <boost/test/data/config.hpp>


#include <boost/test/data/monomorphic/generate.hpp>
#include <boost/test/data/monomorphic/generators/keywords.hpp>

// STL
#include <random>

#include <boost/test/detail/suppress_warnings.hpp>


namespace boost {
namespace unit_test {
namespace data {

namespace {
nfp::keyword<struct seed_t>         seed;
nfp::keyword<struct distribution_t> distribution;
nfp::keyword<struct engine_t>       engine;
} // local namespace

namespace monomorphic {

namespace ds_detail {
template<typename SampleType>
struct default_distribution {
    typedef typename mpl::if_<std::is_integral<SampleType>,
                              std::uniform_real_distribution<SampleType>>::type type;

} // namespace ds_detail

// ************************************************************************** //
// **************                   random_t                   ************** //
// ************************************************************************** //

/*!@brief Generator for the random sequences
 * This class implements the generator concept (see @ref boost::unit_test::data::monomorphic::generated_by) for implementing
 * a random number generator.
template<typename SampleType        = double, 
         typename DistributionType  = typename ds_detail::default_distribution<SampleType>::type,
         typename EngineType        = std::default_random_engine>
class random_t {
    typedef SampleType          sample;
    typedef DistributionType    distr_type;
    typedef EngineType          engine_type;

    : m_distribution()
    , m_engine( std::random_device()() )
    explicit random_t( distr_type&& d )
    : m_distribution( std::forward<distr_type>(d) )
    , m_engine( std::random_device()() ){}
    random_t( engine_type&& e, distr_type&& d )
    : m_distribution( std::forward<distr_type>(d) )
    , m_engine( std::forward<engine_type>(e) ){}

    // Generator interface
    data::size_t        capacity() const    { return BOOST_TEST_DS_INFINITE_SIZE; }
    SampleType          next() 
        return m_distribution( m_engine );
    void                reset()             {}
    //! Sets the seed of the pseudo-random number engine.
    template<typename SeedType>
    void seed( SeedType&& seed )            { m_engine.seed( std::forward<SeedType>( seed ) ); }

    // Data members
    DistributionType    m_distribution;
    EngineType          m_engine;


} // namespace monomorphic

//! @brief Returns an infinite sequence of random numbers. 
//! The following overloads are available:
//! @code
//! auto d = random();
//! auto d = random(begin, end);
//! auto d = random(params);
//! @endcode
//! - The first overload uses the default distribution, which is uniform and which elements 
//!   are @c double type (the values are in [0, 1) ). 
//! - The second overload generates numbers in the given interval. The distribution is uniform (in [begin, end) 
//!   for real numbers, and in [begin, end] for integers). The type of the distribution is deduced from the type
//!   of the @c begin and @c end parameters.
//! - The third overload generates numbers using the named parameter inside @c params , which are:
//!   - @c distribution: the distribution used. In this overload, since the type of the samples cannot be deduced, 
//!     the samples are of type @c double and the distribution is uniform real in [0, 1).
//!   - @c seed: the seed for generating the values
//!   - @c engine: the random number generator engine
//! The function returns an object that implements the dataset API.
//! @note This function is available only for C++11 capable compilers.
inline monomorphic::generated_by< monomorphic::random_t<>> random()
    return monomorphic::generated_by<monomorphic::random_t<>>( monomorphic::random_t<>() );


/// @overload boost::unit_test::data::random()
template<typename SampleType>
inline monomorphic::generated_by< monomorphic::random_t<SampleType>>
random( SampleType begin, SampleType end )
    typedef monomorphic::random_t<SampleType> Gen;
    typedef typename Gen::distr_type distr_type;
    return monomorphic::generated_by<Gen>( Gen( distr_type(begin,end) ) );


namespace ds_detail {
template<typename Params>
struct random_gen_type {
    typedef typename nfp::param_type<Params,decltype(distribution),std::uniform_real_distribution<>>::type distr_type;
    typedef typename nfp::param_type<Params,decltype(engine),std::default_random_engine>::type engine_type;
    typedef typename distr_type::result_type sample_type;

    typedef monomorphic::random_t<sample_type,distr_type,engine_type> type;


/// @overload boost::unit_test::data::random()
template<typename Params>
inline monomorphic::generated_by<typename ds_detail::random_gen_type<Params>::type>
random( Params const& params )
    typedef typename ds_detail::random_gen_type<Params>::type Gen;
    typedef typename Gen::distr_type distr_type;
    typedef typename Gen::engine_type engine_type;

    std::random_device rd;
    engine_type E;
//    engine_type E( rd );
    if( params.has(engine) )
        E = params[engine];

    distr_type D;
    if( params.has(distribution) )
        D = params[distribution];

    Gen G( std::move(E), std::move(D) );

    if( params.has(seed) )
        G.seed( params[seed] );

    return monomorphic::generated_by<Gen>( std::move(G) );

} // namespace data
} // namespace unit_test
} // namespace boost

#include <boost/test/detail/enable_warnings.hpp>