...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
Demonstrates a version of std::iter_swap
that use type traits to determine whether an it's arguments are proxying
iterators or not, if they're not then it just does a std::swap
of it's dereferenced arguments (the same as std::iter_swap
does), however if they are proxying iterators then takes special care over
the swap to ensure that the algorithm works correctly for both proxying iterators,
and even iterators of different types (see iter_swap_example.cpp):
// // iter_swap: // tests whether iterator is a proxying iterator or not, and // uses optimal form accordingly: // namespace detail{ template <typename I> static void do_swap(I one, I two, const boost::false_type&) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type v_t; v_t v = *one; *one = *two; *two = v; } template <typename I> static void do_swap(I one, I two, const boost::true_type&) { using std::swap; swap(*one, *two); } } template <typename I1, typename I2> inline void iter_swap(I1 one, I2 two) { // // See is both arguments are non-proxying iterators, // and if both iterator the same type: // typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::reference r1_t; typedef typename std::iterator_traits<I2>::reference r2_t; typedef boost::integral_constant<bool, ::boost::is_reference<r1_t>::value && ::boost::is_reference<r2_t>::value && ::boost::is_same<r1_t, r2_t>::value> truth_type; detail::do_swap(one, two, truth_type()); }