Boost GIL

Namespaces | Macros | Functions
apply_operation_base.hpp File Reference

Given an object with run-time specified type (denoted as an array of Bits, dynamic index, and a static set of Types) and a generic operation, casts the object to its appropriate type and applies the operation. More...

#include "../../gil_config.hpp"
#include "../../utilities.hpp"
#include <boost/mpl/begin.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/next.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/deref.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repeat.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Pixel 2D LOCATOR.


#define GIL_FWD_TYPEDEFS(z, N, text)   T##N; typedef typename mpl::next<T##N>::type
#define GIL_FWD_CASE(z, N, SUM)   case N: return op(*gil_reinterpret_cast<typename mpl::deref<T##N>::type*>(&bits));
#define GIL_FWD_CONST_CASE(z, N, SUM)   case N: return op(*gil_reinterpret_cast_c<const typename mpl::deref<T##N>::type*>(&bits));
#define GIL_FWD_CASE_WITH_INFO(z, N, SUM)   case N: return op(*gil_reinterpret_cast<typename mpl::deref<T##N>::type*>(&bits), info);
#define GIL_FWD_CONST_CASE_WITH_INFO(z, N, SUM)   case N: return op(*gil_reinterpret_cast_c<const typename mpl::deref<T##N>::type*>(&bits), info);
#define GIL_APPLY_FWD_OP(z, N, text)


template<typename Types , typename Bits , typename Op >
Op::result_type BOOST_FORCEINLINE apply_operation_basec (const Bits &bits, std::size_t index, Op op)
template<typename Types , typename Bits , typename Op >
Op::result_type BOOST_FORCEINLINE apply_operation_base (Bits &bits, std::size_t index, Op op)
template<typename Types1 , typename Types2 , typename Bits1 , typename Bits2 , typename Op >
static Op::result_type
apply_operation_base (const Bits1 &bits1, std::size_t index1, const Bits2 &bits2, std::size_t index2, Op op)

Detailed Description

Given an object with run-time specified type (denoted as an array of Bits, dynamic index, and a static set of Types) and a generic operation, casts the object to its appropriate type and applies the operation.

Lubomir Bourdev and Hailin Jin
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Last updated on November 6, 2007